
Wesley Wright is an internationally recognised authority on the relationship between money and law. He is a dynamic researcher and sought after advisor, working in collaboration with some of today's foremost reformist thinkers. Their collective work on emerging ethical banking models, the dissemination of new knowledge, through selected constructive academic think tank forums and responsible media, is with an objective to bring about an industry running on reformed values that serve and empower our lives and communities.
As a relationship group they are all about integrity, fairness, honour, belief, responsibility and the empowerment of the individual. They believe that working together, building business models and communities on the solid foundation of a strong core value system we can collaboratively create a culture and future that is a truer reflection of how most of us want to live. They passionately believe in the development of a financial system that harnesses the power of money to serve our lives.

"When we realise our core values, what really matters to us, and begin to live from that place of passion and strength, we unlock the power to create the future we want and know is right."
- Wesley Wright.